Our Lucky Boots

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Postby barbarak33 » August 16th, 2006, 3:31 pm

Hi, my name is Barbara, I live in the Finger Lakes Region of New York state. I’m currently full-time caretaker for Lucky Boots, my son, Adam’s 4-year-old Pit Bull. Boots has been living with me, Adam and my (scaredy)cat, Toonces since he was a pup. Adam recently moved into an apartment and couldn’t take Boots with him so I’m adjusting to full-time responsibility while encouraging Adam to visit often!! My first response to Adam’s move was to REHOME Boots—after all, family members have been strongly encouraging me to do that for 4 years! Not only did Adam REJECT this idea, but once I started looking into options for finding Boots a new home, I realized that Boots would fair best with me! So here I am, beefing up on all things Pit Bull, hoping to shed light on reasons for some of Boot’s strange behaviors! :)
Just Whelped
Posts: 10
Location: Burdett, NY

Postby Jenn » August 16th, 2006, 4:25 pm

Hello Barbara and Welcome!
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Postby pitbullmamaliz » August 16th, 2006, 5:56 pm

Welcome! I ALSO have a cat named Toonces! He's 20 though, so instead of being scared, he's kinda surly. :wink:

"Remember - every time your dog gets somewhere on a tight leash *a fairy dies and it's all your fault.* Think of the fairies." http://www.positivepetzine.com"

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Postby barbarak33 » August 17th, 2006, 3:23 pm

More info . . .
Am I mentally stable? YEP, on most days. Life gets way too complicated somtimes if I let it, but I try hard to smile often and maintain a good balance.
Do I like Pizza? Love pizza--preferrably without pepperoni. Love wings, too. YUM. Boots likes it, too.
Prefer winter or summer? Prefer spring and fall. I get very ambitious and plant flowers and trees in the spring, bake apple pies and sew quilts in the fall.
What field do I work in? Accounting. Not something I set out to do in life but sort of wound up doing it. It pays the bills and keeps me off the streets! Same employer for 16+ years--an alumni magazine publisher.
How did I find this site? Through someone's link in a Yahoo Pitbull Group.
I'll even update my profile to include my personal web pages. Nothing to hide--everything you want to know about me but were afraid to ask. :) All the best, Barbara
Just Whelped
Posts: 10
Location: Burdett, NY

Postby Jenn » August 17th, 2006, 3:30 pm

;) maybe that will do for ya... lol Welcome again!
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Postby PBT Staff » August 17th, 2006, 3:48 pm

PBT Staff

Postby barbarak33 » August 17th, 2006, 3:55 pm

Thanks! Boots is going to be thrilled with all the new stuff I learn about him here!
Just Whelped
Posts: 10
Location: Burdett, NY

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