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Postby concreterose » June 21st, 2006, 3:35 pm

So, Mr. Solomon has decided he wants to *try* to start marking in the house. I always have him on a tie down when I can't watch him, but yesterday I was outside with Vicki and my sister wasn't watching him closely. He got in my bedroom and peed on the floor. He's not allowed in my bedroom very much yet, so I'm sure he really felt like he accomplished something :shake:

I haven't been doing anything that I can think of to make him think he's in control of anything...he has very limited freedom still (though more than when he first came to me), and I do obedience with him everyday...he has to work for everything. I don't have a whole heck of a lot of experience with dogs, since I've always had bitches...any suggestions? I was thinking about getting one of those belly band thingies they have to cover a dogs' wanker...I guess they're to discourage marking?

Solomon was neutered last December, so it's been about six months since he's been intact. He's between two and three years old.
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Postby Maryellen » June 21st, 2006, 3:47 pm

cut his weinie off.. LOL.. just kidding.. some dogs will mark even if neutered, i would say get a belly band, this way he can pee on himself.. and learn the hard way.. its also possible the smells from the other dogs are making him want to mark his territory too....

when i brought sonny home 4 years ago, he was 6 1/2.. he tried to mark my couch once, and i screamed at him and scared the crap out of him.. a few weeks later he tried again, and we had a Come to Jesus moment.. he never marked in my house again ever. after a two months of constant supervision and the 2 CTJ moments, he was fine..
rufus marked once, and he got a royal CTJ moment and was fine after that.. and ihave had him for 4 years..
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Postby Marinepits » June 21st, 2006, 3:55 pm

Hahaha! I love the "Come to Jesus Moment"! That's hilarious! :backRoll:
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Postby SisMorphine » June 21st, 2006, 3:58 pm

Wally was marking like a psycho when we first moved into this new house. So I bellybanded him and with the combination of getting sick of peeing on himself and settling into the routine here, he doesn't mark much anymore. He'll only mark the couch and clean piles of laundry, and only out of spite (and if you're saying "he can't have human emotions" please come meet Wally and you will KNOW he does it just to get back at me :evil: ).
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Postby concreterose » June 21st, 2006, 4:43 pm

Belly band it is. Yah, I figured he wants to mark in my bedroom cause that's Vicki's palace LOL

ME if I see him lifting and scare him, he'll stop, but I didn't catch him this time. I have to remember to put him on the tie-down when it's just jennifer since she obviously isn't going to watch him. I told her I didn't want him roaming around upstairs unsupervised anyway...
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Postby Maryellen » June 21st, 2006, 5:19 pm

maybe give her a CTJ moment?? lol... just kidding... maybe stress to her that he has to be tied to her and not left alone for now, and try to explain to her that if he pees in her bedroom she wont like it ..... or better yet, let him mark her bedroom... i am sure she wont like it, and maybe if he does, she will take you more seriously.... :| i would also get the belly band too just in case... i did that with sonny with jamie, and he watched him like a hawk after that when i wasnt around until the marking wore off..
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Postby mnp13 » June 22nd, 2006, 11:22 am

When we get lax enforcing the pecking order in my house (Ruby over Connor) Connor starts marking all of the places in the house where Ruby sleeps - including on my bed. It's charming.

Funny enough, Riggs has not marked yet in any house he has been in (and now that I've said that...) but I'll cross that bridge when/if I come to it.

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Postby Romanwild » June 23rd, 2006, 7:39 am

I've been lucky I guess. Seems to me though that marking or peeing, as long as you catch them in the act you should be able to stop it.

When Dreyfus was a pup and I would catch him I would make sure he saw me spray the spot with cleaner so it would look like I was marking over his mark. :| I don't know if it worked but it was worth a try.
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Postby concreterose » June 23rd, 2006, 9:02 pm

Romanwild wrote:When Dreyfus was a pup and I would catch him I would make sure he saw me spray the spot with cleaner so it would look like I was marking over his mark. :| I don't know if it worked but it was worth a try.

Hey, you might be on to something there LOL
Well, he is walking around looking like a muscle bound doof with a belly band on...he's currently too confused/irritated to mark hahaha!
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Postby mnp13 » June 23rd, 2006, 11:38 pm

concreterose wrote:Well, he is walking around looking like a muscle bound doof with a belly band on...he's currently too confused/irritated to mark hahaha!

take pictures!!! :twisted:

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