Anyone here do Rally-O?

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Postby SisMorphine » February 23rd, 2011, 10:35 am

Teeny is taking the year off from PSA to work on some stuff to ready her for her PSA2's. I'm now pondering doing APDT Rally, but I don't know much about it. Once she's out of heat we'll be taking a class, but since she just came in today I have a while to wait to start class, so give me some idea of what to expect people!
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Postby FAB dogs » February 23rd, 2011, 2:41 pm

I’ve never been a fan of regular obedience. It was to structured and boring for my taste. I didn’t think I’d like Rally all that much either. But last winter I was looking for something to keep Avery busy until agility started so we tried a 4-week Rally class. Turns out I liked it a whole lot more than I thought I would. Avery, on the other hand, was less than thrilled. She’s kind of a free thinker and very visual. She sees an a-frame and knows she’s going over it. With Rally she had to wait on me for the cues. Not exactly her strong suit.

I did find Rally a lot more difficult than I expected. Some of the moves are pretty tricky. 260 degree turns, dogs turning left while handler turns right, etc. It takes a lot more thought than simple obedience forwards and turns, etc. You have to be looking ahead for the next sign, read the sign, do the command, and keep the dog under control all at once. That takes some getting used to (especially when the dog is Avery). But overall, it is a whole lot more fun and laid back than Obedience. You’re encouraged to talk to your dog, and I hear some people sing to their dogs.

I don’t think Avery is a Rally dog, Agility is definitely her thing. But I’ve started Brogan in a Transition to Rally Class. Maybe if I’d done that with Avery she would have responded better. The Transitions class is less about the actual signs and more about getting the dog to move backwards, pay closer attention to you, etc. It’s supposed to help transition between either Rally or regular Obedience. I think it’s going to lay some good groundwork for Brogan to be a Rally dog.

Hope this helps some!
Avery - Southpawz Elf Queen, CGC- Siberian Psycho Terrier
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Postby dlynne1123 » February 23rd, 2011, 3:25 pm

I love it! So does Ryder who was afraid of her own shadow years ago. It's been a great medium to prepare her for OB. The hardest part is me reading the silly signs without getting stressed. It's def fun as a weekly class. Has helped me shape retrieves, blind go outs and other stuff like the stand ( otherwise we would never practice the stand).
Plus in higher levels we throw a jump in and ryder's so excited. It helps me work on control of her off leash. We have all possibilities of the heel down now. One thing to keep in mind is there a lot of 'fronts' which may be conflicting to PSA. So just be creative with introducing that position. Otherwise I say go for it! We have trials up here regularly.
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Postby pitbullmamaliz » February 23rd, 2011, 5:38 pm

We've taken several Rally classes and have our first trial at the end of March. We're not doing it through AKC or anything though, just a regional club called C-WAGS. Inara's pretty good - we've been working on advanced level stuff.
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Postby mnp13 » February 23rd, 2011, 5:39 pm

Jill - StalkerBlueDog - has a few titles and teaches.

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Postby StalkerBlueDog » March 1st, 2011, 12:23 am

I do teach and have competed in AKC rally since the sport began ( we did a midnight rally trial on new years eve!) . I enjoy rally a lot. It's a great bonding sport. You can talk to the dog the whole time which makes it way more fun then traditional obedience. It's a great bridge sport for agility and rally (if used correctly.)
Jill Rakin CPDT-KA
"DAWN" U-CH Canami's Age of Aquarius CD RE AX OAJ NF CGC/TDI (1/3 AXJ, 1/5 U-GRCH, MACH pt'd)
"KAYLEE" U-CH Canami's Protector of Serenity (AKC major Pt'd)
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Postby StalkerBlueDog » March 1st, 2011, 12:25 am

The most important thing about introducing a new venue is to make sure that you're both consistant and able to distinguish the venues all at the same time for the dog.
Jill Rakin CPDT-KA
"DAWN" U-CH Canami's Age of Aquarius CD RE AX OAJ NF CGC/TDI (1/3 AXJ, 1/5 U-GRCH, MACH pt'd)
"KAYLEE" U-CH Canami's Protector of Serenity (AKC major Pt'd)
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Postby StalkerBlueDog » March 1st, 2011, 12:32 am

FAB dogs- I teach a Versatility Class where we introduce commands and exercises that will cross over into various venues, as well as teaching folks how to train different ring entrances, how to pick different commands for things that seem similar but need to be seperated in different rings, how to be consitant but not confuse your dog etc. Back ups, recalls, "It's your choice" games, etc. Lots of body awareness, safety/leave it, focus and attention games.
Jill Rakin CPDT-KA
"DAWN" U-CH Canami's Age of Aquarius CD RE AX OAJ NF CGC/TDI (1/3 AXJ, 1/5 U-GRCH, MACH pt'd)
"KAYLEE" U-CH Canami's Protector of Serenity (AKC major Pt'd)
"LEIA" Sorella's Rebel Princess (UKC pt'd)
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