P*ta needs to keep their nose out of my insurance policy

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Postby madremissy » November 16th, 2008, 11:38 am

I do understand the health reason but come on.... >(


PETA: Make Meat Eaters Pay Bigger Premiums
Animals Rights Group Approaches Blue Cross Blue Shield
Friday, November 14, 2008

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals called on Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont to raise health insurance premiums for people who eat meat and lower the premiums for vegetarians, Plattsburgh, Vt., television station WPTZ reported.

Video: Charge Meat Eaters More?

In a letter sent Monday to Bill Milnes Jr., president of Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Vermont, PETA Executive Director Tracy Reiman urged Blue Cross to raise rates on meat eaters because, she said, heart disease, diabetes and other leading killer diseases have been conclusively linked to the consumption of meat and other animal products.

"Given the latest news about the effects of E. coli on meat-eaters -- and the mountain of evidence linking meat consumption to some of our nation's deadliest diseases -- this change will benefit Blue Cross Blue Shield's bottom line while also helping to ensure that your policyholders don't flat line," Reiman wrote.

Reiman went on to point to recent reports of an E. coli outbreak in Vermont. In October, a Vermont slaughterhouse recalled a ton of ground beef after 10 cases of E. coli were traced to meat from Vermont Livestock Slaughter & Processing in Ferrisburg. The recall was voluntary.

Earlier in the month, three people were diagnosed with E. coli in Orleans County. Health officials attributed those cases to raw milk as the source.

"As you might know, E. Coli grows in the intestines of many farmed animals. Slaughterhouses are filthy places, and when animals are eviscerated, feces often spray in every direction," Reiman wrote.

She goes on to claim that vegetarians are less prone to heart disease, certain types of cancer, diabetes and obesity.

"By giving your policy holders a financial incentive to go vegetarian -- and penalizing those whose meat-based diets fuel our nation's worst health problems -- Blue Cross Blue Shield could save millions of dollars in the long run," Reiman wrote.

But it doesn't appear that Blue Cross will be taking PETA's suggestion any time soon.

"Under Vermont law, we would not be allowed to vary rates based on the dietary and nutritional habits of various members," said Kevin Goddard, Blue Cross's vice president of external affairs. He said that Blue Cross is always looking to have the healthiest members possible, but "we have no information one way or the other if vegetarians are more healthy."

In September, PETA made headlines in Vermont and across the nation for asking Ben & Jerry's ice cream to use human breast milk in its ice cream instead of cow milk.

"We applaud PETA's novel approach to bringing attention to an issue, but we believe a mother's milk is best used for her child," a representative for Ben & Jerry's said at the time.
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Postby SisMorphine » November 16th, 2008, 11:57 am

How about raising the rates for AR people who protest on a regular basis because they're more likely to get their asssses kicked?
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Postby amazincc » November 16th, 2008, 12:10 pm

madremissy wrote:
In September, PETA made headlines in Vermont and across the nation for asking Ben & Jerry's ice cream to use human breast milk in its ice cream instead of cow milk.

"We applaud PETA's novel approach to bringing attention to an issue, but we believe a mother's milk is best used for her child," a representative for Ben & Jerry's said at the time.

That is the funniest (and most ridiculous) thing I've heard in... well, ever. LMAO LMAO LMAO
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Postby airwalk » November 16th, 2008, 5:39 pm

Ummm the last three e-coli scares in the Pacific NW were associated with things like spinach...last time I checked that was a vegetable. Someone ought to fill P*TA in on that little secret.
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Postby pitbullmamaliz » November 16th, 2008, 9:28 pm

"Remember - every time your dog gets somewhere on a tight leash *a fairy dies and it's all your fault.* Think of the fairies." http://www.positivepetzine.com"

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Postby call2arms » November 16th, 2008, 9:44 pm

I don't even know why you guys pay attention to PETA, they have NO credibility. I'm a vegetarian and all I like from them is their recipes... So, I don't think the Blue Cross is even going to bother. There was e.coli on spinach last summer. Whatever.

"In September, PETA made headlines in Vermont and across the nation for asking Ben & Jerry's ice cream to use human breast milk in its ice cream instead of cow milk."

Are you smurf*ng kidding me? So now we'll get slave-women pregnant just to get milk, like cows? :crazy2:
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Postby cheekymunkee » November 22nd, 2008, 12:06 am

SisMorphine wrote:How about raising the rates for AR people who protest on a regular basis because they're more likely to get their asssses kicked?

There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line.

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Postby Favorite Kitty » November 22nd, 2008, 5:09 pm

SisMorphine wrote:How about raising the rates for AR people who protest on a regular basis because they're more likely to get their asssses kicked?

I'd like to see someone try to kick my ass.

And P*ta are a bunch of nutcases. I think people already pay enough for their health insurance, dont they?

It was spinach that was found with E. Coli on it. Where do you think it came from though, boys and girls? Cow crap. Running into my veggie patch. Vegetables dont contain deadly bacteria!
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