Pre-anestetic stuff

Food, Fitness and how to keep them healthy.

Postby mnp13 » April 10th, 2006, 12:57 pm

Ruby's getting her teeth cleaned on Wednesday. The anxiety has already started about her getting put under. Yay, three days of being ill coming right up!

To make me less paranoid and freeky about the whole thing, what blood work / test should I have done to ensure the best probable outcome / least possible danger to her?

Should I get x-rays done as long as she's under? I don't plan to compete with her in anything other than Rally (maybe) so it worth the money?

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Postby SisMorphine » April 10th, 2006, 1:13 pm

Ah teeth and dentistries . . . I know them well.

Get a CBC pro done for bloodwork. Unless you have other worries no sense in getting a T4 or anything else added onto it.

I would get the x-rays. Only x-rays can show horizonal boneloss, thus sparing you from possibly having to get another dental too soon, or her developing some sort of infection under the gumline which can ultimately lead to heart disease.

I know it's not as common in pit bulls, but with Greys it's an extremely important thing to keep an eye on.
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Postby pocketpit » April 10th, 2006, 2:07 pm

A simple pre anesthetic panel would be a good start. It would show any indications of kidney or liver issues. If anything abnormal were found then they could do a complete panel. A CBC typically comes with a pre anesthetic panel but be sure to ask as each place is different and some places dont even do in house lab work.
X-rays (I'm assuming that your speak about her elbows) would be helpful just so you know what to expect in the future in regards to her overall health. It would alleviate her stress since she'll be under anesthesia when it's done vs probably with none if she were to go in at a later date.
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Postby Purple » April 10th, 2006, 10:45 pm

I'm with you on the anxiety. I was a basket case when Purple had to have her lumps removed a few months ago. Sis and Pocketpit gave great advice. I had a full panel done on Purple.
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