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Postby odnarb » February 27th, 2006, 1:57 pm

JCleve86 wrote:I don't know what to think, but like I said, I'm not going to jump to conclusions. What must newcomers to the breed think? All of these pillars of the breed (right or not) crumbling one after the other...

While he is doing better than most, he was still one of hundreds of UKC show breeders scatterbreeding Pitterstafs. Scot's foundation dogs are only 6-7 years old, he's not been in the breed long, and has yet to reach any sort of consistancy in his "line."

The true pillars of the breed that are still alive are still around. They tend to keep a low profile, and certainly don't toot their own horns. But, they are sources of endless information and friendship when you make the effort to find them.
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Postby cheekymunkee » February 27th, 2006, 2:12 pm

Well, maybe it is best it burned out before it got too big. I know I do not want someone to lead me & my dogs who is going to cur out at the first sign of opposition. Better he sell out now than when it really would have counted. Less damage to our dogs this way.
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Postby Karen » February 27th, 2006, 4:25 pm

Scott's jab at me. Fine so be it.

FYI there were places to house this thing but someone wanted total control over what he calls HIS .org.

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Yep im done Posted: Today at 10:11 am
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Facing a tremendous bill with no money to pay it, I was forced to let the conformation site go down. Planning to bring it back on a local server I was unable to transfer it in one peice and much got corrupted. Then I begin to see all the speculations and negativity arising. So I conduct a little experiment!

This has always been a selfless task and I held on even though I have continued to get second hand reports of people talking crap about everything my wife and I have been doing. We basically stopped breeding (for a couple reasons) and showing so that our efforts could not be confused with having and agenda! YET, I get more people complaining about what we are doing than anything else! Yet none of these people have the balls to email me directly and voice an opinion. Even though I have asked and begged for peoples input! I have never ignored one comment or input as long as it was rational.

Lets see any one of you, put youself out there like that and withstand that crap for over 4 years.

A few people deserve thanks definitely and have contributed to the site. A few other people helped me pay a small part of the bills for the last quarter, but I dont have the money to continue and I find it non-constructive especially when I read the crap that has been posted by the "experts" recently.

There are many other reasons why I am done, and much has built up and come to a culmination recently! Call it a melt down or burn out, but what it is is a conscious decision to step back! I can fight BSL, I can fight to give the public a positive image of the breed, but I will NOT ALSO fight those who should be on my side supporting any positive effort while anyone is at least trying to do it!

Hopefully a few of the things I have done will make a difference eventually but I doubt it!

Good bye to the APBT!


A little experiment my ass. The emails, calls, letters written to the board of NAPBTA etc. seems to have him backpedaling pretty darn quick. As I stated before and Scott knows what starts on a public forum stays there. The he said she said game is something I never adhered to and private discords always seem to end up that way.

Notice you're either on his side or the dreaded other side? As for him saying he was switching it over, what a CROCK. I was not the one who found that site down, I even defended the turkey in an email til Jenn Sherman then went to look after she emailed me back. THAT'S when I got pissed off as she was RIGHT it was gone.

Having transferred servers on the Spindletop sight in 24 hours plus updated layout etc. who is he trying to kid? You download to your machine then upload the ftp to the new server. Voila same content all you did was upload the html and picture files. What's to get corrupted? NOTHING.

As to the bill, all he had to do was hand over the reins to the CLUB as a whole or whatever. Even posting hey we're broke because we get a gazillion hits can we get some help? Trust me it would have come had he distanced himself from his agenda and ramming stuff down throats.
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Postby cheekymunkee » February 27th, 2006, 4:33 pm

So now his baord is back up but his sight is still down? :| Why bother at this point, it seems to me his credibility is already gone.
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Postby Karen » February 27th, 2006, 4:36 pm

cheekymunkee wrote:So now his baord is back up but his sight is still down? :| Why bother at this point, it seems to me his credibility is already gone.

No he just posted that little ditty in place of the one you had quoted. He has everything locked still and the site is down.
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Postby cheekymunkee » February 27th, 2006, 4:38 pm

Yep, what he posted before & what he has now posted are TWO different things. And you are right, if he needed money all he had to do was put it out there, he would have gotten the help he needed. I am postive of that.
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Postby Karen » February 27th, 2006, 6:00 pm

cheekymunkee wrote:Yep, what he posted before & what he has now posted are TWO different things. And you are right, if he needed money all he had to do was put it out there, he would have gotten the help he needed. I am postive of that.

Oh look the board miraculously was unlocked and the back patting and brown nosing begins. Funny when I went to post a new thread it said no. Poof the magic moderator wand was removed from someone's..... uh....... closet and things like this are popping up.

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I just wanted to start this topic so the folks who really appreciate what Matrix does can express it. The temporary loss of this board was a bite, but when I saw that APBT Conformation was also gone, I literally cried. There are so many who appreciate what what you do, and I believe its far more than the vocal minority who want to counter everything you say. I was getting PMs and IMs from from all kinds of folks who wanted to say that they appreciate you and hope you will be back.

Mr. Matrix sir, you are the man. You have my full support.
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Postby odnarb » February 27th, 2006, 6:12 pm

cheekymunkee wrote:Yep, what he posted before & what he has now posted are TWO different things. And you are right, if he needed money all he had to do was put it out there, he would have gotten the help he needed. I am postive of that.

Putting on my "I play a psychologist on TV" hat here...

I am guessing that he expected more "No Scot, please DON'T GO!!!" on the various forums, and probably wasn't thinking that lots of people would see it as an immature act of selfishness.

If he can't deal with the questioning of APBT owners on message boards without resorting to tantrums and name calling, how can he deal with the people that truly do hate the breed and want them banned into extinction? How can somebody who exhibits this kind of behavior be the spokespiece for NAPBTA and the breed? We may as well follow behind Glen Bui if we are willing to condone the irrational fits of a control freak.

Perhaps it is just burn out, and perhaps he just needs a break. But, if this is how somebody deals with "friendly" adversity, they sure as hell can't lead the APBT out of the hole that keeps getting deeper and deeper.
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Postby cheekymunkee » February 27th, 2006, 6:14 pm

odnarb wrote:
cheekymunkee wrote:Yep, what he posted before & what he has now posted are TWO different things. And you are right, if he needed money all he had to do was put it out there, he would have gotten the help he needed. I am postive of that.

Putting on my "I play a psychologist on TV" hat here...

I am guessing that he expected more "No Scot, please DON'T GO!!!" on the various forums, and probably wasn't thinking that lots of people would see it as an immature act of selfishness.

If he can't deal with the questioning of APBT owners on message boards without resorting to tantrums and name calling, how can he deal with the people that truly do hate the breed and want them banned into extinction? How can somebody who exhibits this kind of behavior be the spokespiece for NAPBTA and the breed? We may as well follow behind Glen Bui if we are willing to condone the irrational fits of a control freak.

Perhaps it is just burn out, and perhaps he just needs a break. But, if this is how somebody deals with "friendly" adversity, they sure as hell can't lead the APBT out of the hole that keeps getting deeper and deeper.

That's what I'm screaming! We're a nasty bunch but not near as nasty as the opposition he WILL face once this gets off the ground.
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Postby JCleve86 » February 27th, 2006, 6:19 pm

Why post baha's post? I don't get it...first we voice displeasure for what some see as Scot's "it's my way or the highway" attitude, and than you post baha's post in that very same sentiment...you either hate Scot or you support him, and if you do, shame shame shame. Seems hypocritical at the least. Maybe I read it wrong.

I'm pretty surprised at what has happened too, but why make more of it than what it is.
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Postby Karen » February 27th, 2006, 6:27 pm

JCleve86 wrote:Why post baha's post? I don't get it...first we voice displeasure for what some see as Scot's "it's my way or the highway" attitude, and than you post baha's post in that very same sentiment...you either hate Scot or you support him, and if you do, shame shame shame. Seems hypocritical at the least. Maybe I read it wrong.

I'm pretty surprised at what has happened too, but why make more of it than what it is.

Oh and what do you think it is? I'm with Nic he didn't get as much hand wringing as he thought and frankly, Lindsay's been one of his coven, uh, followers, um supporters, yeah that's it, supporter, for a while. There isn't anyone in the breed that is all goodness and light no matter how much they want to think their matrix is.

And Lindsay, I basically said Kim was off limits and that PBP was left to you all to do with what you want. Have something to say to me grow a set and bring it on here,k?
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Postby JCleve86 » February 27th, 2006, 7:01 pm

What it is? A loss of an educational tool, the only of it's kind and caliber, for this breed.

What it is not? A reason to create more interpersonal problems within this breed between good people.
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Postby bahamutt99 » February 27th, 2006, 7:36 pm

I'm here! Can I get my honorary set please! I'm going to hang them from my rearview mirror.

I'll just say this one thing. (Hopefully.) I don't know why Karen has a problem with everything I do, but I'm sorry she feels that way. I remember when she was voted back on a mailing list, I'm pretty sure I was one of the ones who said she should get another chance. I'm just tired of all the accusations. She says I pulled her posts on PBF, I banned her, I had something to do with Scot's board coming back up. Sorry, not true. ETA: I am not Superwoman. Nor am I the Devil. (B-but mama says...)

As for me being a Matrix supporter for some time. Yes that's true, and I'm proud of it. I believe in what he does for the breed. If that's earned me a stoning, then cast away!
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Postby Romanwild » February 27th, 2006, 7:39 pm

I want to clarify one thing about this board as the convo continues.


Scott has done a lot and I hope he continues to. I hope that the rest of us continue to as well. They (the dogs) need all of us.

One thing I would like to add is that I agree with him about getting the byb 'ers with us. This board welcomes all but the only breeders allowed to put up a link are the ones that follow the PBOA COE for breeders.

My local APBT club allows breeders but they can't post litter annoucements on the group. They too must follow the COE to be recognized.

I don't want to austrisize (sp) I want to work with them to save the breed. Maybe along the way they will realize that NOT breeding is the best option at this time or that there is a right way to do it.

To scare them off lowers the odds of it happening. So I see his point.
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Postby bahamutt99 » February 27th, 2006, 7:42 pm

I agree. I dislike BYBs as much as anyone. (I guess that makes me a self-hater since I was guilty of that years ago.) I think a lot of them do it out of sheer ignorance, though. The problem is, people are so passionate about it that they miss their opportunity to politely educate, and that turns people away. I'm hoping the situation will improve with time and gradual pressure from their "peers" within the breed. Baby steps, right?
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Postby Romanwild » February 27th, 2006, 7:47 pm

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Postby Patch O' Pits » February 27th, 2006, 9:48 pm

wow that is sad. Dang I'm glad I have all the therapy dog info I wrote up for the site saved and also most of it is up on the thera-pits forum .

The Pit Bull university site is still up and running as of right now.
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Postby cheekymunkee » February 28th, 2006, 12:50 am

I have nothing against Scot, don't even know anything about him except for the fact that I like his dogs. I am a member of his board but ( like most I am on) I don't post, I have read his site in the past, like all of them I take what I need leave the rest. I don't agree with everything ANY of them say. I followed his posts on the subject of his mission here & on anothe board & noticed he did not like to be questioned, that bothered me. It appeared to me he did not want to rethink his mission or even really discuss it and got the feeling that he was throwing his hands up. I had no idea he had shut the sites down until Karen brought it to our attention. I found what he had posted originally & it sounds MUCH different than what is posted now. he even had "done" on the main page of the board until he revived it. It's all there in black & white, he cannot deny what he first said & what it says about him. It makes me wonder if he is going to throw in the towel when things get tough, and they ARE going to get tough. He needs to be prepared for it & change the way he comes across drastically. If he gets THIS frustrated now, how is he going to deal with his frustration in the future? I don't like what I see at all. We need rational people representing us if we evre want to be taken seriously, we already have plenty of hot heads.
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Postby mnp13 » February 28th, 2006, 2:23 am

Karen wrote:And Lindsay, I basically said Kim was off limits and that PBP was left to you all to do with what you want. Have something to say to me grow a set and bring it on here,k?

NO. it is not ok.

this board is about Pit Bulls and Bull breeds. not about you two bickering. If you want to fight, exchange email addresses and have at it.

We don't want or need problems from other boards brought here. You'll get along here or you will carry on constructive discussions. Yes, a constructive discussion can be heated, but it does not have to involve namecalling and other crap. Have a screaming raging arguement if you want, I don't care, but act like adults.

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Postby bahamutt99 » February 28th, 2006, 2:41 am

I can agree to that. I'm not interested in fighting with anybody. Admittedly, that was a major reason I finally signed up, but I'm willing to let it go. (Wont be the first time and probably wont be the last. God love the Internet, LOL.)
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