The day I started noticing the limp, I thought maybe I'd bruised her paw stepping on it-- not with my full weight, but she definitely yelped when it happened.
perhaps, because she's yours, you'll at least be able to get her to stay where she is now instead of regressing.
And that's why I hate having to keep her home and still. She does do a lot of spinning, whining, licking (she's soooooo excited!) when I'm getting ready to leash her up, but I don't put the leash on until she's sitting-- mostly because I refuse to wrestle with a 65 lbs dog so that she can take the walk she wants to take. And I have to admit, she's improved so, so much. I have pretty good vocal control over her, so that even when she's super excited and acting like a jackass, I can usually get her to, at the very least, sit-- it's an agitated, dancing, I wanna go go go!, sit, but it's there. When we first got her, there was no way in hell she was paying any attention to me whatsoever outside the confines of the house. I really think we owe a lot of that improvement to diligently taking her everywhere that I'm allowed to take her-- I buy cat food 2 or 3 cans at a time so I have excuses to go to the pet store; I go through the drive thrus (which I despise, by the way) so she can come with me and get treats from lots of different people; she comes to my mother's house, sits on the porch while I drink my coffee (or cocktail ), farmer's market, long drives. You name it. If she can come, she comes. We're working Robin up to that point, but right now she's still a little too overwhelmed by strangers; she goes to the non-crowded places that I can take her. And River is an angel at the vet, so cooperative and well-behaved. Anyway, I'd hate for River to lose some of that "no big dealness" with the outside world that we've worked so hard on and have come such a long way with.
BUT! in the end, I want her to be healthy, even if it means we take a few steps back. We can get back to where we are now. She's a smart cookie.
So for now-- she rests!