Okay.........based on the other thread regarding Wiener Sniffing and Personal Exams, I would like step-by-step instruction on how to 'cease and desist'.
Dar Loves All the Friends of the Kids that Come to the house.......he is playful and doesn't do too much 'jumping up' anymore, but he DOES LOVE Boy-Bits!!!!
While folks are standing around, maneuvering through the house, Dar INSISTS on going up to the boys (young men) and ...........ahem."nuzzling-to-the-point-of-almost-taking-a-Bite of their ........parts.
It's a running joke, and any young man that's here very often knows to 'turn to the side' or ....."cup" before letting Dar come up to them.
And..............well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(deep breath) those atheltic shorts they tend to wear just makes it all that much more 'attractive' to Dar.
Besides not ever letting him around ANY of the guys (girls too, but not as bad), how do I teach ""STOP BEING RUDE'