In the last couple of weeks, Duke is really doing better looking out the window and not spazzing out. He can quietly watch the neighbors now without barking - a real accomplishment.
That said he is digressing outside. He now thinks it is his duty to bark at anything that moves - including cars driving down the street, four wheelers, the neighbor a street over, and god forbid the occasional chicken that gets out, oh and don't forget motorcycles, he really hates them. We take him out with a pinch collar, or he would be dragging us like rag dolls. It works well until one of the 'distractions' gets his attention then the collar doesn't really stop him, whether we correct him, or if he corrects himself. He goes into a barking trance and doesn't even know anything else exists.
Looking for some suggestions - maybe locking him in the bathroom with me, clicker, and treats trying 'look at me'? I'd have to drag out some of the videos, I don't know the first thing about clicker except timing is key.
Good idea, bad idea - something else more effective?